Monday, July 9, 2012

Birthdays and Dog Parks

This past week was full of fun little activities.
Friday (7/6) was my brother's birthday, and Saturday (7/7) was my sisters birthday! Yaaay Birthdays! My sister is in Utah, but my brother is in Washington so Jerry and I invited him over to our little apartment and made him dinner & dessert. He's been wanting to eat karaage for a long time now so that's what I cooked for him. I can't believe he's already 26 now.... weird. But no matter how old he gets, he's still just my nerdy big brother :)

 And this, is how the boys bonded....  through video games.

On Sunday (7/8), Aunty Kanae and Uncle Jeff invited us over for dinner. They've known my parents since college days, and have also known me and my siblings ever since I was just 2. I love hanging out with them. I'm so glad they live in Washington too :) 
First we had a little barbeque, and then headed to a nearby dog park. So much fun! I love dogs.

Here's Momo. So Cute :)

BBQ chicken & Salmon with asparagus, onions, and mushrooms. Yum!


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